The need for efficiency and legitimacy is the theoretical basis for rural collective economic organization to adopt the structure of a legal person. The need for separating politics from economics is the practical motivation for the independence of rural collective economic organization from villagers committee, but institutional arrangements, such as“acting for someone to perform the functions according to the law”and“crossposting”, can still be justified as long as the minimum rules of separation and synergy are set. Rural collective economic organization has multiple collective objectives, including promoting the effective realization of collective public ownership and activating the collective economy, safeguarding the survival and development of collective members and promoting common prosperity, and raising the level of organizing collective members to contribute to comprehensive rural revitalization. These are the decisive reasons to make rural collective economic organization a special legal person. These collective objectives have a direct impact on the foundation and internal structure of the organization. Thus, the property base, membership base, powerbearing organ, executive organ, and supervisory organ of the organization are interpreted in a coherent manner. While it is important for rural collective economic organization to make full use of social capital in the countryside in order to reduce the costs of running the organization, it is also essential for it to have access to the resources of the state and the market.