Based on 270 000 entries of the micro land transaction data from 2007 to 2019, this article analyzes the spatial pattern and temporal evolution of industrial land supply in ChinaThis study finds that based on the analysis of the land use features by province and industry, the degree of convergence of land use structure among regions has decreased significantly and the degree of land specialization has increased since 2015The geographical spatial correlation of land use structures among provinces is low, the economic spatial correlation is high, and the land use structures among provinces with similar economic levels are significantly correlatedThe calculation of land price difference shows that the phenomenon of “Involution” of industrial land driven by economic factors still existsThese findings are helpful to identify the improvement for the marketoriented allocation of industrial land among regions in China and are of great significance for optimizing the spatial allocation of industrial land, promoting the construction of a high standard market system, and unifying the domestic market.