Nationalism shows two very different faces in founding state and governing the country,which means the nationstate combination will not last forever,and the world filled by the nationstate will gradually become far from competitive international orderWith the exit of nationalism,the state can use the“rimworld theory”as a set of new theory beyond ideology but sufficient to mobilize society and form a supernational communityThe rimworld is the“shell”that beings reach the worldA world level rimworld will build a“fractal isomorphism”community with a shared future for humanityThe key to forming a supernational community is the fusion of homogenous rimworldWhen the supernational community replaces the nationstate and becomes the mainstream state form in the international community,the international relations will move from“competition”to“cooperation”,and the traditional“Westphalian System”will also be replaced by the“Allunderheaven System”.We have a strong faith on that the characteristics of China as a nationstate will gradually fade awayAt the same time,the world order of coexistence will also be practiced first in Asia because of the rimworld theory expanded from China
环世界 /
民族国家 /
超国家 /
共在秩序 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Rimworld /
Nationstate /
Supernational community /
Order of coexistence /
Allunderheaven System
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环世界与超国家:民族主义退场后的世界秩序重构[J]. 中国人民大学学报, 2021, 35(2): 115-124
LIU Yibo.
Rimworld and Supernational Community:The World Order Reconstruction after the Exit of Nationalism[J]. Journal of Renmin University of China, 2021, 35(2): 115-124