In the early modern times, competitive culture, which means the cultural form of the competitive behavior existed since the existence of mankind, has been constructed in the process of industrialization and urbanizationCompetitive culture and the competitive behavior in the cultural framework provided great driving forces to the development of industrial society and created a brilliant industrial civilizationHowever,competition is harmful to the coexistence and cooperation of human overall and bring mankind into the risk society,which causes the crisis to happen frequentlyNowadays,human beings are in the process of the transformation from industrial society to Postindustrial society,and a cultural transformation from competitive culture to cooperative culture must be carried out to meet the requirementsCooperative culture is the cultural form constructed for the coexistence and cooperation of human,which meets the requirements of constructing the community of human beingsFrom the perspective of historical inevitability,cooperative culture is an inevitable choiceAlthough cooperative culture has comprehensive inclusiveness and would include some competitive behavior,cooperative culture is fundamentally different from competitive culture