The world and the kingdom are important concepts of Tsunzis political philosophyThe unity of the world, the governance of the world and the kingdom are also the main topics of his political philosophyTsunzi discusses the differences between the world and the kingdom from four aspects: DajuXiaoju, DarenXiaoren, DadaoXiaodao, DaliXiaoliHe divides people into six gradesIn his theory, the first class, the emperor, should govern the world, while the second class, feudal leaders, should rule the kingdomsAccording to him, different governing strategies bring about different results: the governor who loves the people without taking advantages of them will finally have the world, but the one who likes the people while at the same time taking advantages of them can only save his kingdom from extinctionTao is the only principle governing the world as well as the kingdomThe emperor who controls political power is the first character of political philosophySometimes he is also referred to as the sage, the dominator or the governorAnd the sage who becomes the dominator is the saint dominatorFinally, Tsunzis political philosophy is also people oriented, which is one of the basic thoughts of primitive ConfucianismThe point of view relying on the monarch virtuous governance is still one part of the theory of kingly way
荀子 /
天下 /
国(家) /
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Tsunzi /
world /
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荀学视域中的“天下”和“国(家)”[J]. 中国人民大学学报, 2017, 31(3): 16-21
PAN Xiao-hui.
Clarification of the Concepts of World and Kingdom from the Perspective of Tsunzi[J]. Journal of Renmin University of China, 2017, 31(3): 16-21