Focusing on achieving the longterm objective of socialist modernization, the Communist Party of China(CPC)has explored a unique industrialization path in practice from the specificity of Chinas national conditions, which priorly concentrates on the advanced development of heavy industry and then focuses on the coordinated developments of agriculture, light and heavy industries, so as to realize an accelerated development of industrialization and finally create an industrialization path with Chinese characteristicsThis path of industrial development is different from the conventional approach to the industrial upgrading in other countriesIt has exerted a profound impact on the stability of Chinas economic growth, the completeness of industrial system, and the balance of its spatial distribution since the implement of economic reform and open up in ChinaFurthermore, it offers a strategic framework for successful industrialization in developing economiesThrough an analysis of the logic and experiences behind Chinas choice of industrialization path, this study reveals that the strong leadership of the CPC and its problemoriented, practicedriven industrialization policies are fundamental factors contributing to Chinas successful industrialization.